About Sherrie McDaid

We cannot choose where we start in life but we can choose where we are heading.

Sherrie McDaid got involved in politics because she strongly believes that hard work should pay off and everyone should have the chance to make their lives better.

Both Sherrie’s dad and step-dad were in the Armed Forces, which resulted in many house moves, a lot of different comprehensive schools and a lot of change throughout Sherrie and her three younger siblings’ childhoods. For Sherrie, it also nurtured the importance of self-reliance, community spirit and immense pride in our country and the ability to adapt and become embedded in the community wherever she has lived.

After completing an apprenticeship in hairdressing and leaving home at 17, Sherrie juggled work with evening college classes where she completed her GCSEs and A-Levels, then worked three part-time jobs to pay her way through University. Sherrie studied Mathematics, which led to a career in risk and compliance in an international bank. Here, Sherrie managed client portfolios and led various projects, including a mitigation project where Sherrie led a team of analysts fighting against human trafficking and money laundering; ensuring client due diligence, anti-money laundering policy and compliance was adhered.

Sherrie has many life experiences and transferable skills, which she has built upon throughout her life and career, meaning she can relate to many people from different walks of life which would serve her extremely well as your Member of Parliament.

Sherrie has extensive experience in public office as a borough councillor and borough mayor.

In these roles, Sherrie has worked hard to make a positive difference in the community, meeting, listening to and speaking up for people, sitting on a number of committees and being an active volunteer.

Sherrie is a strong advocate for apprenticeship schemes, as it was an apprenticeship which was the stepping stone for Sherrie into a career and regular income, giving stability, security and a positive direction for her future.

As the Member of Parliament for Knowsley, Sherrie will always work hard to ensure everyone, regardless of where they start in life will have the chance to take control of their own destiny and find opportunities to improve theirs and their families’ futures.

For Sherrie, it would be an honour to serve the people of Knowsley.

Being in public office has the power to change and benefit lives massively. Sherrie is passionate about social mobility and determined to fight for everyone to have the opportunity to work and build successful lives and bright futures.


Blast from the Past - My Student of the Year Award

Clearing out a draw this afternoon and I found this blast from the past! 

Reading it back through has left me feeling humbled and grateful, remembering the encouragement and belief my tutors had in me ☀️

National Apprenticeship Week 2024

Apprenticeships can take you anywhere – whether you want to become a nurse, doctor, hairdresser, lawyer, plumber, personal trainer or any career, nearly 70% of jobs can now be accessed via an apprenticeship. And from September 2024, they could even take you to space!

Investing in our Future

Sherrie welcomed the announcement from the Conservative Government that with the Government’s Youth Investment Fund, young people across Britain are to benefit from the rebuilding and renovation of youth services in some of the Country’s most disadvantaged areas.