Let's Bee Proactive!

~ UPDATE ~ 04.07.23

After a very productive discussion at the Environmental Sustainability Panel, Broxbourne Borough Council, it was confirmed that my recommendations for planning will be added for consideration in future planning applications. These recommendations include, developers to consider using wild flower turf instead of uniform grass turf, bee bricks in suitable locations and a map of bee routes to be considered alongside building across the borough, to help determine where bee bricks, wild flower and other pollinator friendly flower & fauna should be planted for best effect.

Our bees contribute the equivalent of more than £500 million a year to UK agriculture and food production, by improving crop quality and quantity, they are also vital to our wider, natural ecosystems, enhancing the environment which in turn helps people’s sense of well being and pride of place.

I am passionate about creating communities where people want to live, work and visit

Pollinators face many pressures which have led to declines in numbers, and a reduction in the diversity of species to be found in many parts of the country.

Many fruits and vegetables, are insect-pollinated and cannot be grown at a large scale, or so cheaply, without bees. Crops that would not be cost-effective to pollinate by hand- or robot would likely be lost or persist only with the dedication of human hobbyists.

Without bees, the availability and diversity of fresh produce would decline substantially, and not only would our health suffer, we would see food costs rise and Britain would become a much more drab place.

Therefore, as we see a much needed increase in homes and infrastructure appear, it is important to concurrently keep a balance between nature and building.

I am a strong believer in being proactive and there are a plethora of actions we can all take to both protect and enhance the environment as well as provide enough homes for future generations.

Everyone can get involved, from proactive policy and consideration at planning level, educating at local schools and the community about pollinators, creating your own wildflower patch, or taking special measures on farm land.

I have recently contacted DEFRA about supporting their Bee's Needs Campaign and working with other organisations and partners to help our pollinators survive and thrive.

Get in contact to hear more or find out how you can get involved.

Further information on Bee's Needs Campaign - https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/bees-needs/bees-needs-campai…


''Bee' a Volunteer!

Super fun Friday morning helping look after local honeybee hives and making beeswax candles from scratch!

More volunteers would be gladly welcome, get in contact if you'd like to get involved.

Local Bee Experience

It was a magical and fascinating experience meeting a local beekeeper and finding out about our pollinator friends the Honey Bee. The local hive enclosure I visited also provides a meaningful, quiet and contemplative setting for people - children and adults alike.